What has changed since high school?

I obviously won’t go super in depth into detail for it would be incredibly long and something that will within time be written into a book (when I decide to write one).

Since I have graduated high school long story short I had pursued Community College majoring in Business Administration. Two weeks (maybe a little less) before my first semester was over I was admitted into the hospital, had a pneumonia & collapse lung, and was long story short, dropped. Was I bummed, who wouldn’t?

I pursued entrepreneurship since something about business/ creating something of your own had always excited me and had my attention.

Ran a few startups doing E-commerce (website building, handling suppliers from around the globe, digital marketing and copywriting etc).

I started YouTube for it was simpler for me in my situation. Handling e-commerce was a bit more challenging for me to say the least if and when I would run into my Ads having a problem I couldn’t exactly get myself out of bed before sun up accessing my laptop (not to mention being in bed and handling my laptop was not the easiest for me). So, I tried YouTube and decided to test it out with my personal brand where I share and talk about personal development & mental health content. Overtime I now have a few YouTube channels that keeps me busy and optimistic because I found something I could do.

Now, about the future? I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t reflect from my past, learn from my present, and vision something for my future. The future you will have to wait and see just know I am nothing close to ordinary. 

“In a world of time learn to be patient.” ~Victortheinspiration

My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@victortheinspiration