The Untold Truth Nobody’s Life is Perfect

I recently had received a message of a good friend of mine reaching out to me sharing some things they have been personally going through. And during their message they mentioned how when they see me or come across my content they push themselves to try getting out of their current depressive state of mind. They view me as motivation and a source of light because of how much I personally had went through, especially while living with a progressive disability.

I shared with them something I personally learned very early on within my life. No life is perfect and everyone candidly is going through something behind the screen. Despite the smiles, the laughter, even brightest of eyes… there is an untold story behind it all.

I openly shared with them how if I hadn’t had gone through what I went through being on a 5150 psychiatric hold in January, 2020. I wouldn’t know what I know now grounding myself in faith and the wisdom I personally had learned from that experience and along the way. I shared with them that there are things that happen in my life where I could easily fall back into that mental state slipping into what I almost once couldn’t and didn’t make it out of.

Mental health is an everyday thing that if not mindfully regulated, aware of ones thoughts, or managed through prayer or medication (depending on your mental state and potential diagnosis) you risk spiraling into depression that can lead into serious even permanent repercussions.

I mentioned how my life isn’t perfect. Just how their life isn’t either. The person who posts smiles, good times, even maybe an extravagant lifestyle. Behind the screen is someone just like you and me. Someone who is trying.

Reflecting off of my mental health experiences, especially when I was in a very dark place mentally. There are tools one must learn to help them breakthrough that mental barrier called depression, anxiety, and desperation. I personally don’t take any form of medication when it comes to my mental health and I have nothing against it if you do. Because of my 5150 experience I was forced to take medication for my mental state (in January, 2020) for a very short time. Until I didn’t like how I started to feel, which is something I will write about in a book. I stopped everything that altered my state of mind because there was no actual diagnosis or anything shown within my brain scans showing any sign of something serious. Other than a medical professionals opinion diagnosing me based on what they were seeing when I was brought into the hospital via ambulance being 5150.

I shared with them tools and information that helped me go from that dark mental state to how I slowly managed getting through it. My website, was created personally by me sharing parts of my story and what I did to overcome many of life’s adversities. My YouTube channel, I personally have documented everything I went through, was going through at the time, and how I ultimately became the victor within those turbulent moments of my life. I openly share what I have gone through to even having some of my content having me break down in tears because of how much hardship I had went through and for how much it took to overcome. Life has been far from easy.

Why am I telling you this? Because everyone in life is going through something and everything in life is temporary. I find gratitude in knowing yes, although I may have certain things having me more challenged than others there is always someone else who has it worse. And I find faith in knowing that this too shall pass. Don’t just take my word for it. Reflect off of your past and think of a time you had once questioned and even doubted if you were capable of overcoming it. Now, look at how far you have come since then. You’re resilient! Know that this too shall pass and continue to put one foot in front of the other. “Progress is progress no matter how small.” Your north begins when you embark on a new journey called appreciating the good, the bad, and the ugly for it all holds meaning for you.

I love you, I appreciate you, and remember grow through what you go through.

Much love,


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Victortheinspiration's content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your current condition. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard in a video of Victortheinspiration, on social media, or shared within content you have consumed.

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