SMA Victor - My Latest Project

Back in January 2023, I had this idea of spreading SMA awareness (my disability). After many back and forth thoughts brainstorming with this idea I finally had that breakthrough of getting it started this year (2024).

Due to the complexities of this content style and the vision I had for it - it took awhile to make it work. This has been a year in the works!

SMA Victor is a brand I started because I personally wanted to get a better understanding of who I am and learn more about my own disability.

I went onto YouTube and found very little to nearly nothing regarding SMA. You will find the basic information, but I wanted to learn more about my disability other than the information that was thrown in front of me. And Google is and can be helpful, but overwhelming with so much information. I saw an opportunity. An opportunity that this is where I begin paving a deeper path for others to become knowledgeable about SMA.

“SMA Victor is much bigger than its name. SMA Victor means that despite the challenges you face - you can still become the victor within your own story. The fact that you have SMA and you still choose to further your education, pursue your dreams, and you challenge the challenges in front of you - is what makes you a SMA Victor!”

What is SMA & How Does it Affect Quality of Life:

If you want to learn more about my disability and learn what is SMA, then give my YouTube video a listen. ♿️ Subscribe for weekly content every Wednesday!

Learn About SMA:

Living with Muscular Dystrophy: My Biggest Weakness & Strength | SMA:

YouTube Channel:

Tools to Live a More Fulfilling Life E-Books:

Elevate Your Mindset By Victortheinspiration: YouTube Course:

Victor's Merch:


Victortheinspiration's content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your current condition. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard in a video of Victortheinspiration, on social media, or shared within content you have consumed.

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