Perspective Shift: Finding Strength in Adversity
I personally keep a lot of my aspirations to myself because what I will do is ambitious, but I am an ambitious individual. I can’t be called Victor and not become a victor within my story.
I have been through a lot physically, mentally, emotionally, even spiritually. And as a result when a person goes through a lot they experience a lot, which gives the person the opportunity to become broken from their trials and tribulations or become created because of their trials and tribulations. Everything is simply a matter of perspective.
Would I rather not have gone through many back surgeries or having to undergo countless operating room experiences? Of course! Who sees a path of immense pain and still chooses to heed that path?
Would I rather not have to experience the mental challenges that arise when you are able to do one thing yesterday to having to wake up the next becoming more limited and restricted than you once were because you no longer have the same mobility? Most definitely.
Would I rather not have the weight of emotions wishing you could do more because you have a progressive disability? Oh yeah!
Would I rather not have to experience near death experiences or life’s troubles where I begin questioning my faith? Yes.
There are many things I would rather not have experienced. However, this is what I have learned from the good, the bad, and the ugly:
- Everything is A Matter of Perspective
- Everything Happens for A Reason
What if in order to get to where you need to be you must first get through this current experience? Isn’t it interesting that nothing seems to make sense when we are in the middle of going through something (a hard season within our life) and we never seem to understand why? But somehow whenever we look back it somehow lead us to where we are?
- Everything is Temporary
“There is nothing in life that is guaranteed.. except change.” The one thing you should hold close is knowing and remembering everything is temporary. When you are experiencing good times appreciate it. When you are experiencing bad times learn from it. When you are experiencing ugly times keep the faith and grow from it.
- Everything Happens Within Gods Control
What is the difference between something within your control and something within only Gods control? What lies within your control is your attitude when things beyond you are not. How is your attitude during the good, the bad, and the ugly seasons in your life? The good times teaches us why to never give up. The bad times teaches us where to build character. The ugly times teaches us the importance of laying a solid foundation called faith. Many things are within our control because our attitude plays a significant role.
On the contrary there are too many things beyond our control. Natures catastrophic events, being hospitalized, undergoing health changes, losing a loved one, family troubles, delayed plans, traumatic events happening to you or someone close to you etc. “Why are you doing this to me?” Will become a question having us questioning Gods existence and our faith. When you wake up hearing the birds chirping. When you leave your home and make it back safely. When you listen to a song and it resonates so much with you. When you read something that feels it was written directly to you. When you go outside and a stranger smiles at you when that day you felt unseen. That is Gods work. “Those who put everything in Gods hands will eventually see Gods hands in everything.” I learned that God works in mysterious ways even if in some of our darkest moments he feels absent. The darkness of life will try to consume you, but with faith there will always be light.
In times where you feel you cannot push through any longer because you are tired of trying. What if you are a lot closer than you think? Hold onto the thought that “tomorrow will be better” and when tomorrow comes hold onto the thought that again tomorrow will be better. Keep reminding yourself this while you strive putting one foot in front of the other.
From me to you: Keep the faith, practice gratitude, learn from yesterday, and always remain humbled and kind as you grow.
I love you, I appreciate you, and remember “grow through what you go through.”
Much love,
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