My YouTube Channels Goal with Victortheinspiration

My goal is to simplify help others through similar life experiences.

When it comes to my YouTube channel “Victortheinspiration” I have done research for mental health related content and you won’t really find much besides animated content, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I wanted to create content on my YouTube channel that others can relate to from person to person, so they know they are not alone.

My content strategy is to talk helping others. I primarily post mental health and personal development content, and I will occasionally post updates regarding my SMA (my disability) to keep that genuine connection with my audience.

What you will notice with the first two pictures is the content isn’t new. I am not saying this is a bad thing, not at all. You can still gain immense value regardless if the content is one days old, or one years old, as long as the content provides value. What I had noticed is because this type of content isn’t consistent the algorithm won’t push the content to viewers giving those struggling mentally a chance to say “hey, maybe this could help me.” You have to almost intentionally seek this form of content in order for YouTube to suggest related content to you. Think of it like an entertainment YouTube video. You won’t search for it, but YouTube shows it in your feed recommending it for you to watch. The biggest problem I found is because this form of content (mental health) that I share isn’t consistently posted on YouTube’s platform. YouTubes algorithm doesn’t exactly know which audience would be interested in it since there isn't much of it. (This is what I currently believe to be true). 

My audience is anyone struggling with their mental health. I provide analytical content for you. My specialty though is not only do I provide content to help you navigate through your mental barriers, but I even share personal development content as well. The thing about mental health is it is an everyday thing. Our moods, thoughts, behaviors, feelings of emotions are constantly changing due to the nature of our environmental influences. Through personal experiences I had learned the importance with coinciding mental health with personal development material. Because in order to really navigate through our life’s challenges we have to develop an understanding of our challenges in order to breakthrough our mental barriers. 

The thing about mental health is we need to have a better understanding having more self-awareness when it comes to our thoughts, moods, emotions, behaviors, and thought processes. So, we can then focus on our efforts to better navigate through our thoughts, moods, emotions, behaviors, and thought processes. This is how we go from feeling hopeless to feeling inspired moving us forward.

Everybody is going through something they speak nothing of. At the end of the day, I hope you know you’re not alone and you matter within this world. 

”It is one thing to know the path, but it is another to have gone through it.” ~Victortheinspiration

So, if you’re one who is looking for free mental health resources give my YouTube channel a listen and share with a friend.

Much love, 


YouTube Channel:


Victortheinspiration's content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your current condition. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard in a video of Victortheinspiration, on social media, or shared within content you have consumed.